The series “Triumph of the waves” continues to follow the journey of the breaking waves (“Waves breaking against the obstacle”, 2021).
Each wave finally succeeds with different outcomes and consequences, given the specific characteristics of the wave in itself and in the simpler or complex mechanical properties of the specific obstacle: some succeed by continuous grinding, some are violent, some use the architecture of the obstacles to cause a collapse, others merge and embrace the obstacle, tearing it down as they sacrifice themselves to success.
Each piece in the series requires an important amount of preparation in understanding which method might apply to each of the six breaking waves, how the obstacle would react and which moment in time should be used to visualize the triumph of the wave - a snapshot in a series of movements that need to be understood mechanically and in terms of its equivalent to the human experience of overcoming obstacles.. The series is currently in progress.
Six waves breaking the obstacle, 2021, watercolour mediums, acrylic markers and oil pastel on paper, 115 x 150 cm
Triumph of wave no. 1 over its obstacle, 2021, watercolour mediums, soft & oil pastel on paper, 150 x 115 cm
Triumph of wave no. 2 over its obstacle, 2021, watercolour mediums and oil pastel on paper, 70 x 100 cm
Copyright © 2021 Lilian Sylvia Argüelles – All rights reserved.