Orange, the uncertain state that indicates climate conditions before the critical state of red: “the period during which a state of crisis or danger is declared to exist”. As if in denial, we have introduced a new colour to the traffic light system of three colours, that regulates our life. We are being given the “green light”, things are “im grünen Bereich” but when have they ever been “orange”?
In this series, the metaphysical object, obstacle, is seen in environments in a state of orange alert - such as extreme temperatures, storms and floods. They are in a state of transition, neither resting nor fatally exposed. It is uncertain in which direction they might finally lean.
Orange Alert - No.1, 2022, watercolour mediums and oil pastel on paper, 100 x 70 cm
Copyright © 2021 Lilian Sylvia Argüelles – All rights reserved.